Monday, 1 February 2010


A very interesting link and a fantastic insight into the "media guru" behind the McCanns!


IRONSIDE said...

Sky News have buckled and will not be tweeting from the Court house tomorrow.

IRONSIDE said...

TOT may have been murdered says profiler Lee Rainbow...

IRONSIDE said...

Anonymous said...

Citizens in Defence of Rights and Freedoms Project Justice Gonçalo Amaral

The citizens of Project Justice Gonçalo Amaral would like to state as follows:

1. In the book “The Truth of the Lie”, Gonçalo Amaral wrote that he and the rest of the Portuguese and English investigators concluded that Kate Healy and Gerald McCann are suspects of involvement in the concealment of Madeleine’s cadaver.
2 . The Portuguese investigators have already given evidence in this court, and they declared, under a compromise of honour, that Kate Healy and Gerald McCann really are suspects of involvement in the concealment of their daughter’s cadaver.
3. It is no longer only Gonçalo Amaral saying that Madeleine died. It is the Portuguese police.
4. It is of essence that the English police also clarify what conclusions they reached.
5. Gonçalo Amaral has asked a Scotland Yard officer – José de Freitas – to give evidence in this court, but he refused due to being bound by state secrecy.
6. In order to discover the whole truth, it is essential that the English Police’s archives are opened.
7. The citizens of PJGA appeal to the English subjects, and especially to the English media, to pressure the police to open their archives.

The world wants to know what really happened to Madeleine Beth McCann. Premature shelving is not an answer.
And the world already knows that the arguments used by the McCanns to censor Gonçalo Amaral’s book would be good enough to burn the entire press of democratic countries, every single day.
Citizens in Defence of Rights and Freedoms – Project Justice Gonçalo Amaral

IRONSIDE said...

Amaral Interview

IRONSIDE said...

Is Hewlett being set up?

IRONSIDE said...

The Injunction remains...Amaral will appeal...Kates comment to her lawyer ?This will be the start of good things for Madeleine'