Sunday, 16 May 2010


Todays Sunday Express carries yet another "was it him" picture taken on the beach at PdL before Maddie disappeared.   Why does such rubbish take over 3 years to be brought before the public who, maybe at the time, could have given some assistance.

We have studied the picture and, quite frankly, it could be almost anyone, including Gerry McCann himself!   The story given by the woman who took the snap is quite plausible as there are plenty of "con men" and "beggers" in the Algarve who will dream up any story to gain a small donation.  We have been accosted by them ourselves but would not credit them with the intelligence to attempt abduction.

Quoting from another source: 
In the case of an abduction, the waters are further muddied, but the sentiment and message is the same. The United States Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Juvenile Justice Bulletin, June 2000 states that in the case of the abduction of a child, their researches show that the parents are involved in 49% of cases, acquaintances in 27% and 24% of cases, a stranger.

We do not think that todays revelation will assist or enhance the current investigation.


IRONSIDE said...

They certainly have the same style in clothes.

IRONSIDE said...

Mr Martin Smith is the one person who could have cleared the Mccanns . He saw a man with a child and described Madeleine, including the type of pyjamas she was wearing.. WHY have the Mccanns chosen to ignore the one sighting that is credible.

Witness statement from Martin Smisth...

20th September 2007

Re – Smith family

Location : Portugal Out of Force Area

Origin: Mr Martin Smith Ireland.

Text: Reported that he had passed a male carrying a child in Praia da Luz the night Maddie went missing. Went and made a statement to Portugal police in Portimao on 26th May and returned to UK. Is saying that after seeing the McCanns on the news on 9th Sept when they returned to UK he has not slept and is worried sick. He states he was watching the 10 PM on BBC and saw the McCanns getting off the plane and coming down the steps. He states it was like watching an action replay of the night he saw the male carrying the child back in Portugal. He states the way Gerry was carrying his twin triggered something in his head. It was exactly the same way and look of the male seen the night Maddie went missing . He also watched ITV news and Sky news and inferred it looked like the same person both times carrying the children.

IRONSIDE said...

Comments section... Debbie Butler has at least made it clear Mccann is collecting money for HIS OWN private company.

IRONSIDE said...


Blogger said...

Gail Cooper back in PdL courtesy of the Express! Video statement.

IRONSIDE said...

Good evening Blogger...on a more serious note FOI concerning Maddie.

We will be told soon that Maddie breaches security.

IRONSIDE said...

In case you have not read it. Coopers police witness statement.

Blogger said...

Having read this statement she says regarding her sighting on the beach :
"He was only in my view for a matter of seconds, but I had a clear unobstructed view of him and the weather was bright and sunny."

Did I not read before that she said the man was walking in the rain and was soaking wet? Prod me if you think I am dreaming!

IRONSIDE said...

No you are not dreaming...and she also does not mention she took a photograph of him or anyone else in her statement.

Total silence about the criminal case between Murat and Tanner.

Blogger said...

It would seem from this that her testimony would be quickly kicked into touch by a legal student let alone a qualified Barrister!

No wonder the FOI people are prevaricating, they are probably in a total turmoil with what is fact and what is fiction!

Will make a good film one day - maybe that's what certain people are hoping for!

Anonymous said...

Mccann and his beige pants...

May 3rd police took photographs,the McCanns room.. across the bed where what looked like a pair of beige pants. In the wardrobe a large blue sports bag.

May 4th when police returned to take more photographs of Ap5A,(Gerry Mccann was allowed back in the apartment that morning May 4th to collect a 'FEW' things.)The bag and pants no longer there. He denied he ever owning a blue bag.