Saturday, 22 August 2009

Cann the Red Herrings!

Over past weeks there has been a number of so called "leads" in the Madeleine McCann abduction case.
First we had the British paedophile who was languishing in a German Hospital but who had "been seen" near to the Algarve apartment from which Maddie was "snatched". This lead seems to have fizzled out.
Then came the mysterious woman who approached the skipper of a yacht in Barcelona asking if he had her "new Daughter". Despite an excellent description of the suspect as being a Victoria Beckham look alike, nothing more seems to have come from that lead.
Following on from this was the Australian yacht that never was in the Algarve but that gave the hired "dicks" the chance to have a few weeks in the Antipodes at the expense of the Maddie search fund. Like all the other leads and pieces of information nought has yet come from Oz.
How many more of these red herrings will we be subject to before someone comes up with something really worthwhile? One question many ask is, are these Detectives employed by the McCann fund, only restricting their enquiries to such pieces of information or are they retracing all aspects of the case including investigating those persons who were made Arguidos by the Portuguese Police? It could be that by going over old ground some aspects of the case could be interpreted in a different way and alternative conclusions realised.

Friday, 7 August 2009


Today's Express is once again giving front page news to the case of the missing Madeleine McCann. It seems that a well respected businessman, a Banker no less, was approached by a Victoria Beckham look alike just 72 hours after Maddies disappearance, who asked him if he was "delivering" her new Daughter. This happened in Barcelona just a short days hop from the Algarve where Maddie was allegedly abducted.
Can this be real? Or is it just another red herring to keep the publicity machine going? How on Earth can a Banker, who one would regard as having more than a few grey cells, keep such information to himself for over two years? Where was he in the few days after Maddie disappeared? Did he not read newspapers or watch television? And why has he now come out of the woodwork to splash this information around the media?
With this information at their fingertips, surely the detectives should have kept it to themselves, which would have given them a chance of finding the suspect without alerting her to the hunt? Or is it just an excuse for a jaunt off to the Antipodes for these Private Dicks who so far appear to have achieved very little in the quest to find Maddie? Time will tell!
Watch out for the next exciting episode. Which has come quicker than anticipated!
The day following the above report, new headlines tell of a "mystery yacht" that upped anchor from Portimao Harbour the day after Maddies disappearance and has not been seen since! The Captain, if the helmsman of a 40 foot yacht can be called such, told the harbour authorities that he was going to Albufeira about 30 miles along the coast. Apparently it did not call into Albufeira - maybe there was a change of mind as to where they would sail next, or did they say something that sounded like Albufeira?
The incident was made known to the Portuguese Police and searches have failed to find any trace of the yacht. Apparently the yacht was Swedish registered but the name of the vessel has not been publicised, if it were indeed known. With the thousands of motor yachts in and around Europe looking for a white yacht whose name is not known could prove very difficult, but will no doubt give the detectives another month or so in employment.